Dating Philosophy

So here is the idea about online dating. You pick one out based on a couple pictures and a little bio. It is the ultimate example of human superficial-ness. The user searches for matches who are attractive, but not too attractive that you don’t have a chance. It is also an ultimate test of self-confidence. You can tell what kind of confidence a person has by whom they think they have the right to message and possibly date in the future. Someone who has extremely high self-confidence will blow off anyone who looks any less than a red carpet model. It seems only obvious from that reasoning that the eDater with low confidence will be too intimidated by attractive or slightly successful profiles.

If for some reason they pass the first “attractive- yet not too douch-baggary” test you scan the words for signs of serial killer tendencies, and send a message. Now not every eDater is the same. There are always exceptions to the rules. You often have the creepy guys who send out mass messages to every female seeking male on the site without a mustache. (Sometimes they even send messages to those depending on how desperate.)

Here is my problem:

When on a date with someone you meet online eDaters don’t hear what the other person is ACTUALLY saying. They obviously want it to go well. They wouldn’t be searching hopelessly through wifi waves for a soul mate if they had the time or social skills to wait around to sort through guys themselves. By looking for a significant other online it proves that you are either looking for sex or looking for “the one.” Everyone wants to think that the next one is going to be “the one.” We wouldn’t do it knowing that the next one is going to be a waste of time or will take your heart and rip it out leaving you a little less trusting towards the next. We wouldn’t bother (and would probably not let it happen in the first place), which leads me to my point. Every eDater goes into the date with at least a glimmer of a hope that this is the person you have been looking for their entire life.

So this is why we see our date in a far better light than they really are. We WANT them to be the great person they might be. This is how I know that in order for me to see these eDater guys as ridiculous, bad dates they must have been just that… bad. I have to admit that the stories I have taken away are something that have added to my life experience.

So what happens when you take out that factor? What happens when you don’t go in it for sex or marriage? You don’t go into it trying to dress up and impress? What happens when you eDate as many people as possible to learn about the opposite sex? What would you see once the bull shit curtain was pulled away? No one to try to impress, no false hopes or rose-colored glasses?

*names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kevin and the Love Triangle

I got a text from Kevin while enjoying a beautiful day on the lake. It said to come and drink with him and his friends at his house. I think I am going to invest in some mace or a tazor as I realize that going to the houses of the guys I meet online may not sound like the safest thing. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to hang out with a bunch of his friends rather than the one on one interview style dates I have been attending. I grab a case of Miller Lite and headed down to Kenosha. I got a bit lost when I was in the area so I gave him a call. He tells me to look for a girl outside waving. Let me introduce you to Tina, the first point in our love triangle. The cutest little Asian girl with an ass I would kill for. I then see Kevin on his balcony and have them buzz me in. It turns out no one could come drink on a Tuesday evening other than Kevin, myself, and Tina, who I soon would come to find was Kevin’s ex-girlfriend.
I actually did have fun with the two of them, engaging in a beer power hour to start. I even talked more with Tina than Kevin. She mentioned her 3 year old son who was in daycare at that time. Apparently she had hours to use up there so she had dropped her son off for the day. Tina wanted someone to go with her to get him so I offered as another friend (female) of Kevin’s came in.
Tina and I then bonded further to the point I could dig a little about Kevin. It was then that I found out about their previous relationship. I also found out how in the past it was a regular occurrence for him to pick up her son, give him a bath and put him to bed. I pushed a little further asking if she thought they could ever make it work together since she kept going on about what a “great guy he was.” She must not have saw me as a threat because she gladly elaborated on how she had gotten over the “baby-daddy” issues that broke them apart in the past and that she would love to end up together. Wow, thanks.
I got back and Kevin put on the movie Cars for him. He grabbed a sippy cup out of his cupboard and a Spongebob blanket out of the closet. He admitted to having more kid stuff in his condo that adult stuff. That was pretty odd for a single, childless bachelor. Feeling once again like a third wheel I politely excused myself.
When I saw he loved kids in his profile I thought it had to do with being a camp counselor and excited to be an uncle in the next couple months. I didn’t think it meant I want instant family.
I really hate breaking up happy homes. I’m so out of there.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Won't Santa Be Worried About You?

Body Type: Average, Height: 5’8’’

Ha, yeah right, maybe standing on a phone book (or two). I went on a date with a midget. Am I allowed to say that? How short do you have to be to be a little person?

I met up with John at an awesome coffee place on the lakefront of Milwaukee. I was looking for him when I walked in and couldn’t find him until I called his phone. Unbeknown to me I just had to look down. I saw his profile declaring that he was 5’8’’ which was borderline short for a guy because I am also 5’8.’’ I have dated guys my same height so I didn’t let it be a deal breaker. When I greeted him with a hug I felt awkward. He looked all too happy at being pulled into what goods were at eye level.

Being the brave woman I am, I ventured on. It’s all for humanity and research, right? We decided to get a cup of coffee. I was confused when he juggled between his credit cards and cash (which he did not have enough of) when paying for the 2 servings. I soon came to find that John was an unemployed engineer who could not even afford his rent. I actually felt bad at that point, but like I have said before, you should be able to take care of yourself before you try to date and take care of anyone else. Besides, What could I do? Give him a couple bucks for food like he is a homeless man off the street?

Well, maybe he has a great personality, right? The only subject he could think of to talk about from his current life was how loud his cousin would have sex in the room next to him. Hmmm thanks for the sex update on your family. That’s always a good way to start a conversation.
This was one of the closest I have been to really running out on a guy. Most guys are at least amusing but not so much with this guy. I excused myself after the one cup and drove my ass home, texting my best friend, “Holy shit! R there any normal guys out there?”

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Randy the Biter

Randy was an attractive guy with the interest of a grapefruit- exciting when it first squirts you in the eye, but then it sits there with nothing else to offer. We were sitting at a bar talking when his phone kept ringing. He was constantly looking at texts and talking. It was pretty obvious that he was talking to other girls he was online dating, wondering if there was something better than me. Anyway, he gets this phone call so I leave for the bathroom to let him talk. I come back and he apologizes. He then explains that he talks to people he would never date online as well. He was friends with a 42 year old mom who he had never spoken to. She had apparently just called him because she had been in a fight with her roommate. She had then asked him if she could move in with him for a couple days. He had told her that she couldn’t because he lived with his parents. What kind of person asks a complete stranger if she can move in? Even more sad is if she really didn’t have anyone else to call. Then, Randy goes on to tell me that he felt bad for her so he invited her to meet up with us. Now keep in mind this was our first date that he had invited another girl from online to meet for the first time as well. Awkward. Thank God she never showed. He didn’t even ask though. What the hell?

So on our second date Randy and I went back to his, wait no, make that his parents’ house to watch a movie. We got to his house and he said in a creepy voice “Get into my dungeon” as we go into the basement. We started making out and he pulls me on top of him. He was on a whole different level as far as acting rough. He was into choking and biting hard core. The next day my friends looked at my arm and asked me why I have two teeth marks on my arm. It wasn’t a hicky or suck bruises, but as if a shark had attacked. I also almost lost my lip and other body parts due to his chompers. After kissing I told him (more to keep him away) “I am not going to have sex with you.” He then asked when I was going to be off my rag. I said, “Why so you know when to call me next?” He replied, “Yeah, well I just don’t see why we would tease ourselves like this.” Then it came up where I told him having my period was better than the alternative because that would mean I was pregnant. I will never forget what he replied to that comment. He said that that wouldn’t be so bad for him because then he could have sex with me without him getting me pregnant. What the hell? So not going to happen.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ernie's Not a Chubby Chaser

Ernie used to be in the navy and was working towards being a police officer. However, he was currently working as a security guard walking around thinking he was the shit because he had a badge. I won’t bore you with the details other than him bragging about having a gun in his car. Not the best first date conversation.
Oh yes, I should also mention the discussion about a past relationship he had with the “fat chick”.
“That was a low point in my life.”
“How so?”
“Look at me, do I look like I should be dating a fat chick?”
“Excuse me?”
“I am way too sexy for that.”
He went on to tell me that it ended when he got a text from her asking what he was up to for the night. He then got the same text from a friend. He wrote back, “I donno, fat chick wants to hang out.” Guess which person got that text. He laughed about it calling it for the best.
How could he think I would want to spend time with someone who could be such a douche. Was that supposed to impress me?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Brad the Cat-Man

Brad actually was a nice guy. Too bad it is easy to be too nice. I showed up ten minutes late to a café I had suggested we meet at. What I didn’t realize was that it was such an old person hangout. We were the only people under 40 in the entire place. So I walk in and he walked in a little after. It turns out that he had waited in his truck until he saw me so that he could quick drive away if I was hideous or not the person I said I was. Way to go Brad! That was some quick thinking. I was his first eDate so I definitely didn’t blame him. I mean, that meant I was good enough for him to follow me in right?
Brad was the first guy that I told about the “Dating Lemon-law.” I first heard about it on the show How I Met Your Mother. You can walk in and you give each other 5 minutes or until you order food to say “lemon law.” At that point you can get up and skip out on the rest of the date. No hurt feelings, just not wasting the rest of the night on a dead end date. I don’t know if I would ever really Lemon-law anyone. How would I have these stories if I did?
Brad was the lankiest guy I have ever seen. He looked like he was over 6’5’’ and the legs of a flagpole. Ever seen someone on stilts? It was that awkward looking. Anyway, Brad had also missed the spot under his nose when shaving. I couldn’t stop looking at the long whiskers coming almost out of his nose. It was very distracting.
So we start talking and he brings up his cats. He talks about Squinty, his ugly cat with no eyelids. There was also his spastic cat Mellow Yellow. It became amusing how much he had to say about cats. Every time there was a lull in the conversation I would say, “So tell me another cat story.” It was totally a joke… but then he would. He had a cat that was retarded and blind to ran into walls and fell off couches and five at his parents house. Don’t even get me started on his Mom’s teacup bitty dog.
OK fine, since you asked he started telling me about this dog that his mom had. She would dress it up in suitcases full of costumes. If it didn’t have clothes on she would ask the person who took them off why her dog was NAKED! Brad mentioned costumes such as a biker jacket, Mickey Mouse, and … fuck, I don’t even remember because all I was thinking was is this guy fucking serious? This is all after he told me I would get along with his mom really well. If I get anything out of all these eDates it will be what not to talk about on a first date. Number one: dressing up small animals.
I think one thing that made this two-hour brunch date entertaining was that I drank over 15 cups of coffee. I felt like I was drunk on caffeine. I was shaking and could hardly think straight. I think I may have even sang the “dirty Sturty” song that my cousin and I made up about Sturtevant . I even added a verse about Annetta’s Café, the location we were eating. Hey, I never said I was perfect at dating either, but this is my story so I can keep the focus on the issues of others rather than me.
Lastly, Brad went to the bathroom at the end of our date. He returned and smiled, thanking me for not running off with the keys to his truck and wallet that he had left lying on the table next to me. Damn, why didn’t I think of that?!
It has become a joke among my friends that I dated “cat-man.” When I mentioned the other day that I needed to clip my toenails one even suggested that I should reconsider- Cat-Man might be into my claws. Thanks guys.